
Friday, April 25, 2014

In Your Eyes, written by Joss Whedon and directed by Brin Hill

We need to watch Brin Hill and Joss Whedon's new film In Your Eyes on the online video Web site Vimeo. This film was produced by Kai Cole and Michael Roiff.

I love the mission behind Joss and Kai's company Bellwether Pictures. Their purpose is to bring micro-budget films directly to an audience, bypassing "the classic studio structure." I've been wanting to do this for years and sometimes I'm able to do it, but not as successfully as I'd like. So the attention Bellwether is bringing to indie film distribution is a huge step in the right direction.

Renting this film on Vimeo will help all indie filmmakers take control of their own distribution. I can't stress how important it is for us to find a viable distribution path to our audiences whereby we actually see the revenue from our hard work. 

Building a direct path to our audience is what we need to do. So let's support the filmmakers behind In Your Eyes because their success if our success. And no, I do not know anyone personally on the filmmaking team behind this film. I would like to know them - I will have to reach out. I am highlighting their work because their efforts to self-distribute will help us all. We need to support them. And hopefully they will support us too. 

The more audiences are familiar with these other platforms for watching movies, the more indie filmmakers will actually have a means for making money on the films they make. It's only five bucks to rent which means lots left over for some popcorn and Whoppers! 

Here's the link to the film:

And here is a teaser:

In Your Eyes - Trailer from Bellwether Pictures on Vimeo.

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