
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Twitter Your Way to an Audience?

There is so much publicity on the social messaging site Twitter right now. It's a little crazy. Why do people care so much? 

Anytime there is a phenomenon that captures the attention of thousands, even millions of people, there is going to be a lot of talk about it. And right now, people are twittering about Twitter. I have a Twitter account (janekk), and I find it useful. 

For those of you unfamiliar (which I doubt any of you would be since filmmakers tend to be on the cutting edge of anything new and they need to be concerned with how to build audiences), Twitter is a site that allows users to post what they are doing in real time. This means I can learn what is happening around the world by CNN alongside Uncle Bob's gastrointestinal delights. It's a mixed bag of useful news and links to informative articles and inane chatter about what people are eating or thinking or doing. 

For indie filmmakers, Twitter is another means of building an audience. Just as you are following others, others can follow you. In the time, I have started a Twitter account, a number of people have chosen to follow me and when I release one of my films, they will be one of the first to know about it. 

In turn, I follow news programs, film mags and organizations, filmmakers, and celebrities (i.e. Diablo Cody, Rainn Wilson, Anderson Cooper, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore). I like that updates are like a news roll. So I can skim updates and read interesting links that others post. Overall, I find the site helps me to stay current on a million different topics. So, even though I am over hearing about Twitter, I do like using it and I do believe you can help build an audience for your projects. And it's only going to get bigger so why not be part of it? 

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