We are about half way through our release of our new Web series Overly Attached Andy. I hope you have been checking it out. You can watch the series on our So Natural TV YouTube Channel here. I would love to know what you think.
It's been a lot of fun getting responses from the audience and building out Andy's world on our Tumblr blog: overlyattachedandy.tumblr.com. Creating stories is what we live to do so we're the happiest when we are able to release a new project out into the world. Please join our journey!
Here's our newest episode to give you a taste:
After we wrapped filming Overly Attached Andy, I thought it would be fun to create another series so I could experiment with directing. I specifically made it super simple. And it's been really fun to create! It's titled I Love My Annoying Spouse and it stars Ann Tierney Kelly and Jonny Loquasto. My husband shot it (he's a photographer) and Annie Bydlon helped out on the shoots and with editing.
Here's a fun video of the lovingly annoying couple and how they met:
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