
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Taking Time to Write

I really love to write. I come from a publishing background and have written nonfiction books and pieces for years. And I love storytelling. So I've been slowly inching my way toward screenwriting.

I have such huge respect for screenwriters. It's not easy structuring a screenplay nor is it easy writing dialogue. Everything about it screams "not easy." But I really do enjoy it. And I don't really care if I end up sucking at it. I will just keep doing it with the idea that the more I do it, the better I will get. And that some day I will get it right.

The chances are on my side that I will get it right as long as I keep at it. That's true for everything we do in our lives. We are destined to fulfill our goals and dreams if we work at them diligently.

It's hard to do it if we only apply surges of energy toward our goals every so often. We really need to do it every day. And that's "not easy" either. I can't tell you how many long days go by during which I'm ravaged from my producing and I say, I'll write tomorrow.

Well, that trend can't continue unless I'm happy with solely producing and look at writing as a creative outlet to be enjoyed when I have the time. And that's totally fair too. I could just write when I feel like it. But I really do want to get good at it and write and produce.

So I'm going to post this blog entry and get back to it! I'm currently outlining a new rom com and an historical film based on a true story. The good thing is that I have a writing partner so I'm not alone in this quest. I like company in what I do. And I love the company I keep. You guys are the best and make my career the best.


E.B. Carradine said...

Great article. I am actually the opposite, a screenwriter starting to write non-fiction as well. I can write a script in my sleep but the book is actually scarey. And I want to avoid giving my book rights to my screenwriting agent "my closet", where I tend to put my writings when there done.

E.B. Carradine

E.B. Carradine said...

Great article. I am actually the opposite, a screenwriter starting to write non-fiction as well. I can write a script in my sleep but the book is actually scarey. And I want to avoid giving my book rights to my screenwriting agent "my closet", where I tend to put my writings when there done.

E.B. Carradine