
Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Amazing Thing about Having a Blog

There are many amazing things about having a blog but what I find really remarkable is that my readers are from around the world. You name the country, and I am pretty sure that at some point, someone has read my blog in that country. It's humbling and pretty cool.

So thanks for reading and let me know if any of you ever have any questions for me or want to guest blog. I would love for this blog to be more interactive and international!

Indie filmmakers unite!


wellywood woman said...

Hi Jane
Ah, yes, the miracle of readers. I loooove Google analytics, and seeing Oh! today someone from Yemen was here!!! In the notes of our Facebook page ( we have a series of questions we'd love you to respond to as a director, and Kyna, who's based in the States, is putting together a list of women filmmakers to interview for her new blog (, so yes please, we'd love to have a contribution from you, because we love your blog-- & I fervently believe that part of the way forward for women who want to make movies is for us to network across borders, as world citizens. I’d also love to hear your ideas about how to produce as you’ve obviously made it all work for you--

Christopher said...

I would LOVE to guest blog, Jane.

I'm currently developing my first micro-budget feature and have a lot to share.


Jane Kelly Kosek said...

Hi Christopher,
Send me an email to about your guest blog. Thanks!

Jason said...

Love what you're doing here at this site. A bunch of us who are also indie filmmakers are currently doing this site:

Love to have you drop in and check out what we're doing. Best wishes.

Unknown said...

I'm from Romania and I constantly read your posts, finding them very interesting.

We could stay in touch, because I will create a series of shorts and I want you to be my critic, being experienced in the field.

I will keep in mind your tells !

Best regards,